Monday, 29 March 2010

Great Wealthy People are Great Givers!

It is a Universal fact that when you plant a seed in the ground, given the right conditions, that seed will germinate and develop into a plant which will then bear fruit or a harvest over a period of time. The seed that was planted into the ground ,by some strange miracle, is multiplied into several almost identical seeds like itself. Therefore, planting or sowing seeds is the Univeral Principle for Multiplication. This is how the world's food supply is replenished on a regular basis - through sowing (or planting) and reaping the harvest. The seed is GIVEN to the earth by the planter. The earth is the womb or the incubator for multiplication. Given the right conditions, the earth will GIVE BIRTH to a bountiful harvest of multiplied seed. This seed is given back to the planter, in a multiplied form. This is something that some of the wealthiest people of the world have found out. To name a few - Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and Richard Branson.

In the Holy Bible, the most influential person that ever lived on this earth was Jesus Christ. This was his definition of a Great Person: Mark 10v43 "........but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant."

The one who desires to become great shall be a SERVANT. A Servant GIVES a service. A Service is a system that provides/gives something needed by the public. Therefore Great People are always looking to meet the needs of others. McDonalds caught onto this principle very well. They figured out that people needed a cheap fast food on the go. So they sought out to meet the need - now McDonalds is a multi-million dollar chain of restaurants.

 The more you give to meet a need, the more you seem to reap in abundance. Wealth always follows Great People because they are givers. Great People never strive to be wealthy. Instead, their nature of being a Great Giver causes wealth to pursue them.

Therefore, when you are Motivated for Greatness it means that you are motivated to be a servant of all. You are motivated to serve. You are motivated GIVE.

So today, start where you are at and cultivate a heart of generosity. That is the secret to wealth creation. Great Wealthy People are furnished with abundance for every good work and charitable donation !
It's that simple.

Please Don't Kill Yourself

In the hectic, busy world that we live today it is no wonder why many people feel tired and worn out. There is that "just can't be bothered to get up in the morning" feeling. It surprises us when people who seemingly have everything going for them, decide to all of a sudden, commit suicide. On the outward these individuals have money, they have endless possesions, they have fame. Millions of people admire them and yet deep down inside they are struggling. It's hard for us, who are watching them, to understand what the problem is. After all they have everything - or do they?

To numb the pain, they gunk down bottles of prescription drugs .They go under the surgeons knife to sculpt themselves into what they think the world wants to see. Then afterwards, when things go wrong and they look hideous, the very world that they fought to impress now laughs at them - what a waste of time and money. A grapple for acceptance and yet never, ever achieving it.

What we all really want is to be happy in our soul - the deepest point of our existence. The first step is realising that you will never achieve that happiness from external things like people or possessions. Yes, they add to your life and give you a smile on occasion but if your dependency is on them, it is guaranteed that you will always wind up disappointined. It’s dangerous to place your life on people and possesions. Losing either of them leaves you feeling like you can’t make it anymore.

Get rid of this mentality - ‘I would die if I didn’t have you’ or ‘You are everything to me’ or ‘without my fans I would be nothing.’ Those thoughts are suicide. In the past month actress Sandra Bullock has experienced intense media scrutiny regarding her marriage. We can only imagine what she might be going through. However, regardless of her final decision i.e. whether to stay in her marriage or not, she will still go on with her life. She can still find happiness within herself.

You are precious and special. God didn’t make you just so that you could kill yourself. Ok you lost someone close to you. Ok they hate your movie. Ok they didn’t give you the job. Ok, he/she cheated on you and they're leaving. But guess what? There is still some fight left in you! Don’t you dare kill yourself. The world is waiting for you.