Monday 24 January 2011

How do you cross over from constant disappointment to the land of fulfilled dreams?

 There is a lot of literature out there talking about positive thinking and positive confessions. The authors tell us that success begins in the mind and the first step to achieving that successful life and fulfilling all your dreams is to change your thoughts to those that are positive. The importance of changing your thoughts lies in the fact that your thoughts will eventually change the words that you speak. Apparently the 'Universe has ears'. The universe will obey or respond to the words that you speak.Therefore the premise is that there is incredible power in our words. If you are one that believes that this is outrageous then consider how positive words can be encouraging to a child in life and then consider how damaging negative words can be. Some people have blamed their outcome in life on the words spoken over them as they were growing up. There you have it- words have power. Your present circumstances are a sum total of your thoughts and the words that you speak. This therefore helps us to understand that you can then change your circumstances by changing your thoughts and the words that you speak. If you don't like what you see you can re-create your world. So the question again: How do you cross over from constant disappointment to the land of fulfilled dreams? The answer to that is to keep making your faith declarations, no matter how long it takes. The key to not giving up is a firm belief that what you are saying will surely come to pass.

But to make positive faith declarations you need to have filled your mind with positive thoughts. One place to get constant ideas for positive thoughts is believe it or not - The Holy Bible.

So start filling your mind with all things good, then start declaring it. No matter how long it takes you will surely see the manifestation of your words in your life. I have seen it happen. Now its time for you too!

References : Recreating Your World by Chris Oyakhilome
                    The Laws of Thinking Bernard Jordan